What does the Lord require of you?
To do justice, to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with our God.– Micah 6:8
Key Prinicipals of Catholic Social Teaching
We have continued to encourage support for Catholic Charities which is experiencing high financial and volunteer demand in light of the pandemic. Bulletin announcements to support these needs have been made. Parish volunteers continue to help with meal serving and mask making.
Immigrants at the Border: Opportunities for Involvement
ICOM: Interfaith Coalition on Immigration Minnesota
Casa Guadalupana
Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals: DACA
Justice and Immigration
About a year ago, we met them at the airport. Since then, Chantal and her family have become part of the hearts of Lumen Christi. Here’s an update on our Congolese refugee family:
Because Chantal and her family have become part of the hearts of Lumen Christi, our hearts have been changed. Instead of serving a new immigrant family, we now just do what you do when you love someone and they love you back. And our advocacy work for MFIP, SNAP funds and other services for the poor now has a face.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this year’s JRLC Day on the Hill was reconfigured as an on-line conference. The event – “"JRLC Day on the Screen” was conducted on Zoom on April 1st, and had a total of about 190 participants – rather impressive given the difficult situation.
In past years part of the JRLC agenda was dedicated to in-person meetings with our state legislators which also had to be rescheduled and conducted on Zoom on April 22. In this conference, both Rep. Dave Pinto (D64B), and Rep. Kaohly Her (D64A), met with 9 constituents from District 64 met – almost all members of Lumen Christi. These constituents included Margert George, Mike Harley, Sue Hoffert, Jackie Mosio, Rita Quigley, Marty Roers, Martha Skold, Carol Tauer, Dennis Degeneffe, and also Mary Baumgartner, JRLC’s State Wide Organizer.
The primary purpose of the conference was to voice support for the JRLC Action Agenda – which has changed somewhat since it was initially announced due the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on low income families. The revised agenda called for legislative support for the following:
Both Reps. Pinto and Her voiced support for all three of these actions, and in fact Rep. Pinto is an author of a bill currently on the house floor with regard to an increase in the Minnesota Child Care Assistance Program. Both expect that the TANF federal funding will be authorized for the MFIP program, but both sited concern that the driver’s license reinstatement plan would be opposed by the house majority and would unlikely to come to the floor.
Following the JRLC agenda, a question and answer session resulted in a very frank and insightful discussion between our representatives and the group. Some of the key take-aways offered in a recap of the conversation included:
o Be coronavirus related.
o Deal with infrastructure/emergency issues.
o Have bipartisan support in both the House and Senate.
A “Room for Discussion” was scheduled to be conducted on the mental health and addiction challenges individuals, families, and friends face in our parish … and how we as a parish can provide comfort and support to those in our church and community to cope with their mental health and addiction challenges. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 outbreak the RFD was indefinitely postponed.
The good news is that almost all of the work in planning and staging the RFD has been done, and can easily be “taken off the shelf” and used at a future date when the time is right. Once we schedule it, we will simply need to promote it, and conduct it. The biggest part of this is the re-recruiting of volunteers – we had a total of 34 – including a moderator, table facilitators, story tellers, people helping with set up and clean up, people making fliers/posters and so on.
If you volunteered for March 23rd, you will again be contacted by e-mail in hopes that you can participate.