We extend an invitation to join a six-week small group centered on our ministry to the hungry and homeless. As residents of the Twin Cities we have seen the experiences of those who hunger, and are homeless, in our community. Now we have the opportunity in small groups right here at Lumen Christi to make connections of this service to our spiritual journey. As Christians we have been called to act. Now we can also come together to draw closer to important ministry work.
By way of learning, prayer, reflection and sharing, we will explore our faith in the context of service to others in need. Small group activities will include learning more about homelessness and food insecurity in the community, and those affected by it. By prayer and reflection with others we will have the opportunity to grow, give and receive support, and learn about our ourselves and others.
In a small group, we will look at: · What is going on in our local community? · How can our Catholic faith and the Gospel guide us? What does the Church have to say about this social ill and our role in alleviating suffering? · What can we do individually, collectively?
During a typical group meeting we will: ¨ Open with a communal prayer ¨ Member check-in ¨ Learning via content or resource ¨ Reflection, discussion of content ¨ Intercession ¨ Healing prayer
As disciples of Christ, we are called to care for our brothers and sisters. This will be an opportunity to grow as Christians and to explore in an enlightening and safe environment. Please join us so a six-session journey toward better understanding of our experiences with the needs of the community.
Open to All—Mondays, 6:30 pm to 8 pm, 1st fl. Conf. Rm. Nov. 4, Nov.11 & 25, Dec. 9, Jan. 6 & 20. (dates subject to change)
Feel free to reach out to us for more information. If you are interested in joining in on this adventure, we ask that you contact one of us so we can start planning. Note the meeting schedule above.
Contact: Small Group Coordinators: Our neighbors: The hungry and the homeless Brian Dusbiber, [email protected] 651-497-8726 Mike Martin, [email protected] 651-699-4743 Nan Cedarblade, [email protected] 612-889-8336