Please contact Amy Wittak at 651-370-1617 or [email protected] to volunteer for any of the ministries in Liturgy and Worship.
Ushers warmly welcome all who come to worship. They provide assistance to visitors who may be unfamiliar with the church complex and assist people in finding seats at the more crowded liturgies. Ushers take up the collection and pass out bulletins after Mass. Ushers serve at their preferred Mass time.
Altar Servers
For students who have received their First Eucharist and older. Servers participate in the opening and closing processions at Mass by assisting the priest, and by preparing the altar during the liturgy. Training is provided. Servers serve at their preferred Mass time.
Adult Servers
Adults servers assist at funerals and weekend Masses. Parents may serve with their child. Training is provided.
Lectors serve the entire parish worshipping community by proclaiming the scripture readings and the Prayers of the Faithful at parish liturgies. Prospective lectors are called to be persons of prayer with good public speaking skills. Training is provided and all lectors are given a LECTOR WORKBOOK containing all the readings for the entire year. Lectors are scheduled at their preferred Mass time.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EM)
Distribute Communion at Mass. Training is provided. Eucharistic Ministers serve at their preferred Mass time, usually once or twice a month.
Mass Coordinators
Mass coordinators are trained liturgical ministers. They prepare the objects and materials used during weekend and daily worship services. They ensure that all liturgical minsters are checked in for Mass. Training is provided. Mass coordinators serve at their preferred Mass time.
Videotape at parish events or liturgies. Adults and teens welcome.
Worship Environment
Worship Environment members enhance the beauty of our church to better draw us to prayer throughout the liturgical year. This committee decorates prior to each liturgical season. Help is especially appreciated during Holy Week and before Christmas.
Martha Ministry
In the Scripture story of Martha and Mary, Martha attended to all the little tasks that needed to get done. Those involved in Martha Ministry attend to the behind-the-scene tasks that affect our worship such as:
Rosary Committee
The Rosary Committee is a dedicated group that is contacted before each funeral to pray the rosary for the deceased.
Eucharistic Adoration
Spend an hour in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in our Adoration Chapel Monday mornings from 8:15 am to Noon. You may sign up for a specific hour, or drop in any time.